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NHSFR Horse Leasing

The National High School Finals Rodeo hosts around 1,800 contestants from 43 states, Australia, Canada, Mexico and New Zealand! The linked Facebook group page is to help assist competitors of the National High School Finals Rodeo in finding horses to lease if they are not able to bring their own.

If you have a horse available to lease to a competitor, please create a post with any horse information, pictures, and videos.

Any further questions can be directed to the CAM-PLEX Office. 307-682-0552


1. CAM-PLEX and the NHSRA are not responsible for any transactions between the horse owner (lessor) and the contestant (lessee). We are simply providing a Facebook Page to start conversations about leasing arrangements. It is up to the contestant to contact the horse owner to make any lease arrangements.

2. CAM-PLEX and the NHSRA are not responsible for the welfare of the horse, horse owner or contestant before, during or after the NHSFR.

3. All leased horses, whether in the Horse Leasing program or not, are required to go through the check-in procedure prior to the beginning of the NHSFR. Check-in begins on Thursday, July 13, 2023, at 12:00 p.m. and ENDS Sunday, July 16, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. We suggest that you check in your horses as early in the time period as possible to avoid long delays. Horses will receive a mane tag and will not be permitted on or off the grounds unless that mane tag is in place and checked by a gate security person.

4. Horses are not required to be stalled on grounds. You may remove the animal from the grounds upon completion of the performance. You will have to go through the West Security Gate whenever the horse enters or exits the rodeo grounds. Please DO NOT use the East Gate – your horse won’t be allowed on to the grounds through that gate.

5. Horse owners are responsible for providing all proper and current health and brand papers as required by the NHSFR. Papers will be inspected at the check-in area. Current coggins, current health and brand papers required need to accompany the horse to check-in. A Horse ID form will also need to be completed for each horse.

6. It is the responsibility of the NHSFR contestant to arrange for stall space if the horse is to be kept on grounds. The contestant will fill out the stall papers with his/her entry blank and will return it to his/her respective state secretary.

7. It is suggested that the horse be made available for use one (1) week prior to the NHSFR.

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