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ARP Winter Series Barrel Race

Date: Feb 11, 2024
Exhibitions 8:30 AM
Jackpot 1:00 PM

Adon Ranch Productions, owned and operated by Lexi Hamm, was started in 2019. Wanting to keep the winter series barrel racings going at The Cam-Plex, ARP (Adon Ranch Productions) jumped on this opportunity. Running barrels in all different circles since she was 5, Lexi knows what it takes to put on a quality barrel race people will want to come back to. ARP strives to produce quality events that every person in the family will love coming to. ARP is excited to work with Cam-Plex and expand what Gillette has to offer in the equine world in the coming years.

Event Producer
Adon Ranch Productions

Event Contact
Lexi Hamm-Bauder (307)299-3771

Event Type
For Families
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